(C.I.B., MultiCh. Artorius Mes Amis de Mafinns x MultiCh. Really Irish Haute Couture)
We are so proud of them!
27.1.2024, judge: František Bouček
Corann - champion cl.: Exc.1, CAC, CAC ČMKU, CACIB, BOS
Connie - champion cl.: Exc.1, CAC, Res.CACIB
28.1.2024, judge: Petr Řehánek
Corann - champion cl.: Exc.2, Res.CAC, Res. CACIB
Connie - champion cl.: Exc.1, CAC, CAC ČMKU, CACIB, BOB
Corann became CHAMPION ČMKU.
Both also met conditions for title INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION.
Connie Mes amis de Mafinns - BOB
judge: Veronika Chrpová
Connie - winners class: CAC, CAC ČMKU, National winner
Judge: Tomasz Slawik (PL)
Corann - champion cl.: Exc.2, ResCAC
Connie - champion cl.: Exc.1, CAC, CAC ČMKU, CACIB, BOS
We are so happy to have an opportunity to take photos like these. Four generations!
On the photos: grandgrandmother C.I.B. Annie Mes Amis de Mafinns (8,4 y),
her son - granddad of the litter E - C.I.B. Badon Mes Amis de Malfinns (5 y),
grandmum of the litter E - Terezka - Ch Really Irish Haute Couture (6,5 y),
her son - sire of the litter E - Ch. Corann Mes Amis de Mafinns (3 y),
dam of the litter E - Honey Mafinns Flintstone (2,10 y - granddaughter of Annie and daughter of Badon) and puppies of the litter E Mes Amis de Mafinns (the little black balls, who are one week old).
Badon and Annie discussing about the grandchildren. | Honey is like a mirror to her grandmum Annie.
Grandmum Terezka and dad Corann also observe the whelping box carefully.
Difference is 24 hours and +25 cm of snow.
We are thrilled to announce that 10 black puppies were born - 5 boys and 5 girls. All puppies and their mum Honey are doing fine and we hope it will stay so!
We also wish they collars will not fall off, because the puppies are so much alike.
Today it is five years ago since our litter "B" was born. Boys Bors, Bedwyr, Brian, Baloo, Bagheera and Badon and girls Belle, Bijou and Bonnie. Brian is still with us in our memories and we are sending a kiss over the rainbow bridge.
The most important member of the birthday party was their mum Annie, who together with Badon and Bonnie send greetings from the birthday cake.
Thank you to the owners of our puppies for their love and care and we wish you many happy years together.
Badon and Bonnie | Badon and Bonnie together with mum Annie
Today it is exactly 3 years ao when our litter "C" Mes Amis de Mafinns was born - boys Cador, Cadwick, Calahad, Cornwall, Corann and girls Céline, Claire, Cléo, Corra and Connie. We wish them and to their wonderful owners many happy years together and strong health.
Our home duo Connie and Corann send greetings from their birthday cake!
Also all the best to their mum Terezka for her name day.
Annie and her son Badon both enjoyed the special care from Jenny Pírková!
C.I.B., MultiGCh., MultiCh.,MultiJCh. Annie Mes Amis de Mafinns (in the middle)
Judge - Ralph Dunne (IRL)
Corann - champion class - Exc.1, CAC
Annie - veteran class - Exc.1, CACIB-V, BOV
MultiCh. Corann Mes Amis de Mafinns
Judge: Tomasz Slawik (PL)
Corann - open class - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, Best Dog, BOB, nom. Crufts 2024
Annie - veteran class - Exc. 1, vetCACIB, Veteran Winner, vet BOB
Corann - BOB
Corann - CAC, Best Dog & CACIB, nomination Crufts 2024
Annie - Veteran Winner, veteran CACIB, veteran BOB | Hibernia Flintstone - Annie's grand daughter, open class - Exc.1, CAC, Res.CACIB
Three weeks ago we were celebrating Annie's birthday and today she got something very special! Her grandson Lunniy Rytsar Iz Volshebnogo Lesa (sired by Bors Mes Amis de Mafinns) won BOB at WDS in Geneve and became World Winner. We are trully over the moon! Congratulations to the breeders and owners.
Ch. Connie Mes Amis de Mafinns.
Yesterday it was 2 years ago when our lovely thirteen puppies webe born - litter D by Ch. Gawain Flintstone and Ch. Bonnie Mes Amis de Mafinns.
Dear kids, all the best for your birthday, strong health and a lot of joy. Thank you to the owner of our pups for their great care of them.
Friday 18.8.2023, judge: Ludmila Fintorova
C.I.B. Annie Mes Amis de Mafinns (C.I.B. Mauro Paluduz x C.I.B. Finnsech Really Irish) - veteran class - Exc.1, FCI-CACIB-V
Annie returned to show ring after nealy 6 years. During the BOB competition we were so proud to see her grandson Highlander "Happy" Flintstone getting BOS and grand daughter Cindy of Cubadel - BOJ.
Connie Mes Amis de Mafinns - open cl. - Exc.1, CAC, Res.CACIB
Connie is now fully qualified for Slovak Champion.
Saturday 19.8.2023, judge: Hanna Woźna-Gil
Connie Mes Amis de Mafinns - open cl. - Exc.1, CAC, Res.CACIB
Huge thanks to Tomáš Metelka for your help!
Thank you to the judges for their verdicts and critiques of our girl.
How to express our happiness the best way? Annie Mes Amis de Mafinns celebrated 8th birthday and so many lovely memories emerge - the moment she was born, the time of being a rascal dog and also time when she turned out to be exceptional dog personality, so many successful shows and also the day when you became a mother. Any regular day is very exceptional for us with you by our side. We wish many of such days to be left!
Annie gave us nine lovely puppies and until today she has 76 grand children and 3 great-grandchildren. Also her siblings celebrate their birthday - Arcturus, Avenir, Adorée and Allurée. We wish to all strong health and thank you to their owners for their excellent care. Aimée, Avalon, Artorius, Admirée and Amour are with us in our memories and so we send a kiss over the rainbow bridge.
judge: Tomasz Wolanczyk (PL)
Corann Mes Amis. de Mafinns - champion class: Exc1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
Connie Mes Amis de Mafinns - open class: Exc1, CAC, CACIB
Corann's and Connie's special birthday present for their mum Terezka for her 6th birthday.
Dear Terezka, we wish you all the best for your birthday! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the joy you give us everyday. Strong health and luck for many more years to come from your people, your 10 children from the litter "C" Mes Amis de Mafinns and all your friends. And there are plenty of them!
Corann became Czech Champion and also met conditions of Club Champion WDK.
Judges: ing. Veronika Frolíková and Miroslav Václavík (final competition)
Corann: open cl. - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, CAC ČMKU, BOB and BIG 3rd
Judge: Lenka Frnčová, CZ - thanl you for the lovely critique
Connie, open class: Exc.1, CAC, Res.CACIB
Judge: Miroslav Václavík (CZ)
Corann - open class: Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, Slovakia Winner, BOS
Connie - open class: Exc.3
Judge: Ludmila Fintorova (SK)
Corann - open class: Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
Connie - open class: Exc.3
Badon indeed enjoyed his massage and we are happy to know he is completely fine.
Judge: Hanna Wozna-Gil (PL)
Corann - open class: Exc.1, CWC, CACIB, BOB, BIG4
Corann in final competition
Judge: Lenka Frnčová (CZ)
Corann - open cl.: Exc.1, CAC, CAC ČMKU, CACIB, BOB, BIG3
Honey - intermediate cl.: Exc. 3rd
Corann BIG 3 | Corann BOB | Honey Exc. 3rd